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A Healthier Halloween

Halloween and Candy! There's something irresistible about unlimited candy and devilish dress up; no wonder why my expat kid looks forward to Halloween the way she does. Don’t get me wrong, I adore those little trick or treat-seekers; what bothers me big time is the sugar rush that ensues. Which is why this year, I've come up with a whole list of ways to make Halloween healthier for my kid and her friends. Go on and read up, you'll thank me later.   The game plan is to innovate in the treats department, primarily. We'll be passing out candy, but more like jelly beans, mint and sugar-free gum. The other hard-core stuff will be replaced with popcorn, baked chips, mini pretzels, raisins or mixed nuts. Fruit juices go out, water/ laban up come in, because God knows their parched throats will need that. There'll be non-edible gifts too, since everything from themed stationery to key-chains, tattoos and stickers is cheaper than discounted candy even! Next on the radar, is the smallest collection container with the promise to visit that many more houses in the bargain. All this on foot, cause this mama ain't driving her kid from street to street. 'Head out on a full tummy' cause whatever said and done, it’s not like she'll get none of the bad stuff at the end of the day. I'll pick my battles, as she picks her treats (or two) which can then be savored as a well-deserved dessert, post dinner. And finally, we'll distribute the excess candy to a children's hospital perhaps, to helpers or underprivileged members of the society.  Except, the very thought of this reminds me of the darndest thing a little someone had to say. Here's a snippet of a post-Halloween conversation at ours last year: Me: I'm going to give all this candy to the gardener She: But why can't I have them? Me: Because they will spoil your teeth She: And what about the gardener's teeth??! We'll see how we get along this year; here's wishing you more tricking, less-treating at least!   Article Written by Priyanka " Onegeekofaparent"